Do I have ADHD?
To determine whether you have ADHD, you need to have a full assessment from a qualified clinician. However, there are some indicators of symptoms. Our online ADHD test will tell you whether you have symptoms that are consistent with ADHD and whether further assessment is warranted. This article discusses other signs that may help consider whether an ADHD assessment is worthwhile.
The core features to look at are consistent patterns on inattention, poor organisation, forgetfulness, hyperactivity (both mental and physical) and impulsivity.
To be diagnosed with ADHD, you must also have:
been displaying symptoms continuously for at least 6 months, to rule out whether the symptoms are linked to a specific trigger.
started to show symptoms before the age of 12.
been showing symptoms in at least 2 different settings – for example, at home and at school/work, to rule out the possibility that the behaviour is just a reaction to certain environments.
symptoms that make their lives considerably more difficult on a social, academic or occupational level. Significant functional impairment must be associated with the symptoms.
symptoms that are not just part of a developmental disorder or are not better accounted for by another condition.
The main symptoms and difficulties that are core to ADHD - poor concentration, impulsivity, restlessness - are all, to an extent, normal part of the wider human experience. They commonly feature in many mental health conditions e.g. anxiety disorders, depression. There is also a degree of overlap between ADHD and other neurodevelopmental conditions, such as dyslexia or autism.
An ADHD diagnosis (if made in adulthood) can be assumed to be a diagnosis for life and therefore we, at Attention to Health, take giving (or not giving) this diagnosis very seriously. A specialist should only make a diagnosis of ADHD after a detailed clinical assessment, having observer information, ideally questionnaire responses and sight of written historical information, such as school reports.
If you feel some of these symptoms are applicable to you and you want to talk to a professional clinician about your options, you can book a short or full consultation. We can talk through what is involved in an ADHD assessment and treatment recommendations regardless of the outcome.